Sojourner Tiny Homes
Sojourner Tiny Homes

Sojourner Tiny Homes

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Manufacturing and Development of Compact Residences

At Sojourner, our goal is to bring together the Tiny Home Market by providing superior quality products and maintaining the highest standards of integrity. We have developed one of the strongest and most advanced Trailer Systems on the market, and have combined it with third-party certification to ensure that we provide our clients with the most consistent and efficient foundation from which to build their dream home.

Sojourner Tiny Homes was born out of the passion of a second-generation general contractor and a visionary who have a passion for creating and embracing life to the fullest. Their love for designing, building, and traveling opened the door to a company focused on offering others a product that was both freeing and practical.

It’s a well-established fact that when individuals pursue their passions and engage in the things they love, they find themselves surrounded by like-minded people. Sojourner’s story is no different. This journey has been one of friendships and partnerships. The team at Sojourner is comprised of several individuals and couples committed to the core mission of producing quality products that are unparalleled in the industry.


Our Mission

Our mission is to create a business that honors God, each other, our clients, and our communities. We strive to achieve this by producing the highest quality Tiny Homes from which we can all explore this earth in comfort and style while maintaining a humble spirit that is focused on leaving this world better than we found it.

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